Portland East Young Life
6728 SE 156th Ave.
Portland, OR 97236
Who We Are
at a Glance
Young Life begins in the USA
In a town in Texas, at the request of his pastor, a young associate pastor named Jim Rayburn began showing up in the lives of the students at the local high school. He not only told them, but he showed them that their life mattered. With his consistent presence in their life, he told them about God's love in ways and words they could understand and relate to.
Countries with Young Life staff and leaders
Today, Young Life is a global organization with local focus. You'll find Young Life leaders from diverse cultures, nationalities and backgrounds in over 100 countries around the world.
Two million
young people reached by Young Life staff and leaders
Whether it's in cities or villages, towns or tower blocks, in countries on every continent, Young Life leaders are working with over two million young people, right in their own neighborhoods.
Every Kid
We want every kid to know their life matters
Since 1941, Young Life leaders have walked with kids and earned the right to be heard in an exhausting and exciting world. It started with high school kids, but over the years Young Life has expanded ministry to include middle school students (WyldLife), students with special needs (Capernaum), teen parents (YoungLives), students impacted by homelessness, foster care and incarceration (Young Life One), and College Young Life.

Pregnancy, caring for a baby & then raising a child is challenging for any parent, let alone a teenager who often lacks support at home. They need someone to come alongside them, offer hope in dark times, & simply show up when no one else will.
Portland East YoungLives: Impacting Teen Parents, Shaping Generations.
Portland East YoungLives mentors “show up” in the lives of teen parents, living life alongside them. We believe that when a young person has an adult consistently showing up in their life, that young person’s life will be changed forever.
You Were Made for this
Your story matters, and it can make a difference beyond what you imagine.
Volunteer your time to work directly with young people.
Support the staff and leaders as part of the local adult committee.
Give resources to start or sustain the financial foundation at the local or national level.